
Features released in 2018 II

2018 brought many new options for designing your games. Do not miss out and give them a try if you haven’t yet!

You can catch up the features released in the I half of 2018 here.
A current blog post covers the most important visible improvements and features released in the II half of the year.

+Superpower “Multiply”. Next year will bring you more superpowers, but at the moment you can grab clients` attention with Mulitply. It will multiply the scores for a given timeframe, bringing speed into the game.

+Question list filters. You can quickly sort out the questions bearing similar qualities.

+Batch edit. Connected to filtering questions- after choosing a bunch of questions, you can edit them and change pin, intro etc. for all chosen ones at the same time .

+Clue game list displays pin icons and radius colors. This way visually distinguishing questions and tasks allow a more intuitive play for players. More importantly, you can construct levels and connected puzzles, indicate QR and Barcode tasks.

+Team tracks on results pages show now more precise trajectory the player has travelled.

+Show team scores and locations on the map to players during the game in the app.

+ Augmented photo question type. Create photo tasks that bend the reality, challenge teams creativity and cooperation as well test knowledge.

+Activations- barcode, qr and beacons can activate questions and tasks. This adds variety to GPS and/or clue based activations.

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