5 reasons why you should spend time Testing your Scavenger Hunt

20 June 2024

I might surprise you with the following statement, but I consider that testing is even more important than development. Look...

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Show the score, the team name on your Loquiz tasks

11 June 2024

Your players are progressing in your game and you’d like to remind them of their score? With the field variables...

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Loquiz Creator: How to properly use the timer blocks

7 June 2024

The Loquiz Creator allows you to create a wide range of game types, and unique games for your events and...

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QR Code Scavenger Hunt: 20 ideas for your events

29 May 2024

QR codes have become mainstream, but it can be tough to find QR Code Scavenger Hunt ideas. And yet, these...

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How to make an offline outdoor tour or scavenger hunt game?

24 May 2024

When you go into nature, you might not have an internet network. And yet, there are still amazing places where...

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How to create a progress bar with Loquiz

3 April 2024

With a normal Loquiz game, you can track time on the header and points on the menu. So, how can...

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