Now the photos players take during the game are uploaded to a live photo wall under specific event’s “Results” link. There is a tab of “Photos”.
The photo wall features works and photos are uploaded only when you have internet connection. Uploaded photos quality is reduced but photos are also saved to players smart devices. So if you need to make high-quality photo DVD from game photos later you still have to retrieve the photos from devices in the end of the game.
To get ideas about making and running a photo scavenger hunt see 20 fun team photo tasks blog post or log in online and take take these straight from Question Library; read tips about rating photo hunt photos and take a look at rephotographing old picture views photo scavenger hunt idea.
Or just play through one sample photo scavenger hunt that can be run anywhere in the world. Download the updated Loquiz app from Google Play or Appstore and enter Event username: photohunt123 password: free
Let us know how using Loquiz also as photo scavenger hunt app goes in the comments below or
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