
Sorting questions and batch edit

There are two new features that allow you to manage and edit questions better.

The first is applying filters to the question view. This allows you to sort questions by clicking on icons in a questions list in a flags column. In an example video below the first “multiple choice”, then “a hint available” and thirdly questions with “a timer” filters are applied.
Clicking on the icon for the second time removes the filter.A reset button on upper right cancels all the filters you have applied.

The second new option is the batch edit. It makes sense to use filtering to search for  questions you need to change and then apply  batch edit. It allows you to choose a bunch of questions and change their properties at once. You just have to tick all the questions you want to change at the same time and press  batch edit.
You are able to change tags, points, intros, pin icons etc.

Pay attention to what you decide to apply since it will affect all the chosen questions. Once the changes take effect, there is no option to undo.

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