
Setting an ending time of the game to a date and clock time

So far you have been able to set a duration of the game in minutes. Now it is additionally possible to set  the  end time of the  game by a date and time. Setting  the ending time of the game by clock is  useful when you want all teams to end their playing for a certain time.

While creating a game you can still set under the specific game’s Configure page the  time limit  of the game duration, for example for 120 minutes. This means that for the team starting the game it will end in 120 minutes.

And in addition, while creating the event under Advanced tab you can set an end time for the specific event.

If you plan to end the game lets say 3 pm then if you set it, then the game will end for players at 3 pm, regardless of what time they started. So a team starting at 12 pm will have a 3-hour game,a team starting at 1 pm a 2-hour game and a team starting at 2 pm only a 1-hour game.

Now  it gets interesting is if you have  set both: on the  Configure page  of the games the  game time limit duration in minutes AND also the game ending time when creating the event. This among all the configurations is roughly explained in the matrix below.

Each game type has its own game end criteria (GEC) – the rule that defines the game end other than time. For Rogain, Quiz and Clue it is when all the questions are answered. For Scavenger game type it is the finish question answered (right or wrong) for Strategy finish the question answered correctly.

For example. When you set both, the  time limit duration in minutes AND the ending clock time, both take effect. For example, if you have set the game time limit for 120 minutes AND also the game end time 3 pm, then for the team starting at 12 pm the game will last for 2 hours until 2 pm, the  team starting at 1 pm also 2 hours, but for the team starting at  2 pm only 1 hour.

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