
Adding your logo to the games for personalization

Events are about personal touch- so making the game look more tailor-made for the client is easy in Loquiz.

First of all, there is a settings page where you can change your username and in case you have an  admin access, also account settings. You see company’s account settings from the upper right corner drop-down menu.

The most important setting is probably the logo. You can define the URL to your company logo or upload the image. So every time your client starts a game you created, your logo is shown in the side menu and in the results pages instead of Loquiz. You can still override it with your client`s logo when making events. This way your team building games can have even more personal touch.

You can upload a client- specific or game- themed logo when clicking under events “new event” and under advanced tab “upload the image”.

So you have an option for each and every client to see their logos displayed in the games : )



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