
Android design update

We are updating the design of our Android application within few weeks. The design will be different between iOS and Android for some time period.

Design change is driven by three factors

  1. Stability and the speed
  2. Better usability on small screens
  3. Better customization visibility

Here are two work in progress screenshots that compare existing and upcoming design.

Navigation bar

The navigation bar is visible through all the screens, so you always have access to the remaining time (clock is blinking red for last 10 minutes of the game only) and to menu. When game is started also team name is visible.




The menu now shows bigger (ie. usable on phone as well) and includes logo plus some of the game statistics.



Important thing is that the functionality remains the same, so iOS and Android apps can still be used in the same game interchangeably.  Until we update the iOS app instructors need to take the slight design difference into account. We are planning to release the new design in March 2016.

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