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User experience thoughts- Loquiz as adventure race app


It is amazing how Loquiz as a tool can be used for making a broad variety of games- mild birthday scavenger hunts, quizzes but also longer team leadership trainings and even more extreme outdoor adventures. We received interesting feedback from Will from Australia who used Loquiz as adventure race app. 

Although Loquiz suits best for corporate use, anyone is free to register,try out and test creating their own (outdoor) games. When you have an idea for private adventure or birthday please contact us about teams at:

We would love to hear more often feedback from people who have tried out Loquiz in small private events so Will’s thoughts are quite refreshing.adventure-race-app

Will: „…I arranged a small private event with a few friends last Saturday. It was a kind of mini “adventure race” with a mixture of running/coasteering, cycling and paddling. This event also included some swimming in the coasteering leg. I bet that’s a first for Loquiz. We put our phones in waterproof bags! Rather risky and not recommended, but we like living in the edge. To prove it here’s a picture of us cliff jumping at one of the checkpoints.

I chose the Rogaine style game, as it was most flexible for the users and easiest to set up for me. I have done a real 12hr Rogaine so I’m familiar with how it works and it’s simplicity. 

I found the software very good. You have obviously spent a lot of time thinking through the usability especially for the organiser. 

We used iPhones and android phones rather than tablets, for portability. My feedback for the user interface was that it was nice a clean and simple. I would recommend a couple of small improvements…

…I look forward to using it again. Maybe next time for a work team building event as I can see it would be great for this kind of event. The treasure hunt style game looks like it could be a lot of fun.“

We appreciate Will sharing his thoughts and suggestions about improvements, some are already nearly available (like live photo wall during game will be live in the second half of July).

Jumping from a cliff is probably the most extreme use of location based tasks we have seen. It proves that with good planning, tools, experience and knowing your own limits everything is possible. If you are interested in thinking through safety read more here.

Experiences like this show us that using technology for connecting to outdoors can be successful.

Share your ideas or experiences how you have used Loquiz in non-corporate occasions down in the comments.

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