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Unlocking questions and locations

Loquiz is all about creating games as easy as possible. With the latest development we took a big step towards that goal. This small feature that will most probably change the way you use Loquiz.

When making location specific games you can now lock and unlock questions to locations.This will have some profound implications on how you make and edit games.

When making location aware games in Loquiz you assign location to every questions that is not location specific. You do that when assigning TRIGGERS. By default this location becomes locked with the question. Meaning that you can move them up or down and delete together.

However you can unlock question and location by clicking the lock between them.



After unlocking you can rearrange questions and locations independently. You can also delete questions and keep the locations to fill them with new questions or, delete locations and add new locations easily.

Location specific questions are always locked to their locations. You can only change the location of location specific question when you edit this question.

Why is the unlocking thing so important?

Because of the way Loquiz is used.

Usually you create a game in specific location. You have added some location specific questions and divided all the other questions so that it is sensible route. Now when you need to run another game in the same place you will probably clone the game, delete all the client specific questions and add new questions to the same locations. Done.

Or alternatively. You have a game with great story that can be played anywhere. If you want to take it to new locations just unlock the questions from locations, delete locations and click the map to assign new locations. Done. No hassle with moving everything around.

But it goes deeper

For advanced game makers and especially to the professionals who work with Strategy games, this makes it way easier to put the questions and locations in wanted sequence. In strategy games it is very important that locations form a sensible route throughout the game.

The feature is live now, so log in and test it out. Let us know what you think of the new feature.

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