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Frog in a well

There are two well known stories about the frog in a well. One is about the frog in a well who thinks the whole world is his well until the turtle tells him about the ocean. Another story is about the frog trying to get out of the well. The second one has well known phrase as a leading idea –  “Two steps forward one step back”. 

Two stories together make quite a strong team building theme. Everything connected to understanding the wider perspective and coming out of the comfort zone could potentially be connected to the simple story.

The way out of the well, can beautifully be turned into a game  on Loquiz platform. Why not create a simple game where correct answer always takes you 3 steps forward and incorrect answer sets you 1 step back*?

To do that create scenario game. Add questions, assign them locations and then create scenario where correct always equals +3 and incorrect -1. Test it using TEST@EVENTCODE.

*you could also use (2;-1), but (3;-1)   makes it less likely to end up in a same place twice.


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