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Quarantine Scavenger Hunt Game: Try it Now!

Quarantine Scavenger Hunt at home

Does a quarantine mean the end of fun for you and your team? Not at all, if you play with the right tools. Here, you can test our Quarantine Scavenger Hunt game.


  1. You will have a list of item that you need to find in one hour
  2. The more you succeed finding, the more you get points
  3. Some combination unlocks new items to find.
  4. Simply download Loquiz on iOS or Play Store, then scan the following QR code to start the game immediately:
Start now!

The Loquiz platform will provide you an item finder, automatically detecting items. So you will see how magic it is.

Item finder for a Quarantine Scavenger Hunt game

Try to compete with your friends or colleagues, while at home or at work. But oh, these two places are the same when you are in quarantine, right?

Items to find:

  • Laptop (5 points)
  • Toothbrush (20 points)
  • Broccoli (1 point)
  • Fridge (5 points)
  • Toilets (1 point)
  • And 20 other items to unlock…

There are 5 item to find at the beginning. But there are 20 hidden items.

The hidden items appear depending on the combination of items that you find.

Have fun!

Side note: Quarantine Scavenger Hunt games

On a side note, I notice from my work that there is a growing need in games that are compatible with the quarantine situation, with the upcoming lockdown.

From this, boredom can only happen.

And so this quarantine Scavenger Hunt is a perfect example to fight boredom in such a situation.

For example, if you have kids, you can create similar quarantine scavenger hunts at home. In another way, you can also buy some (like this one in English, or this one in French).

Another example: if you are managing a team of people, there is a high chance they need to work back at home. If so, it is recommended to provide some games from time to time. People need to have fun together, to (re) build the team.

In this way, I would advise you to have a try here.

Also, you can contact me. I have many ideas to gladly share with you 🤓

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