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Declining photo/video tasks

A small update in the rubric of the Photowall. That connects to the games where instructors are keeping an eye on players’ progress while the game is on. The feature is declining photo/video tasks.

The Photowall includes the option of declining (=deleting) photos and videos. Accordingly, the instructor can assess if the task is completed successfully or needs another attempt. 

Here’s more on our new Photowall: https://loquiz.com/2020/05/07/3-reasons-why-you-want-to-start-using-our-new-photo-wall/

Instructor can decline photos by selecting “Delete” in the menu.

How it works

When the instructor deletes photo/video, the points deduct from the team’s score and the task appears back to the map or list. In this case, the instructor should give the teams a heads up via chat that their photo or video is declined. With that, the team could know to return to the location where they took the image (when the game bases on map and pins). Or check the repetitive task from the list (when the game uses the list format).

In the near future, Loquiz releases the automatic notification function. That means the team will get an instant message when the instructor declines the photo/video task. And also, when the instructor adds a bonus or comment to the photo. In this way, the teams get constant updates on their progress. Plus, know how to react – to put more effort into task completion (or return immediately to the photo task site). Or celebrate the small bonuses by the instructor that they received for their creativity.

A couple of use scenarios, where the photo declining is useful: 

  • Games that use object finder – as the AI could be fooled, it might happen that the players haven’t scanned the requested object; 
  • Any kind of game that includes photo/video challenges with detailed instructions on how to set up a scene (e.g. Scavenger Photo Hunt game in our Games Market).

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