
Changes to results table

Last night we made some important changes to results table.  When carrying out the games you want to know about them.

1. More flexibility

The first column now just shows the row number. When you sort by any column the first column will always stay 1,2,3… etc. This gives you the possibility to choose the characteristics you prefer to choose the winner. Just click on the respective column to sort according to that.

2. Clearer default sorting

Default sorting order when you first go to the results page is first by steps from finish (farther you are in the game the earlier you will appear) and then by SCORE.  That means that by default teams that reach the finish will compete for the game win.  If nobody gets to finish teams that are closest to finish will appear on top. So then it is your choice to leave it like that or sort by SCORE.

This should help in presenting the results in  a meaningful way.

Here is an annotated screenshot to give  of how the results table works:

Loquiz stat explanation

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