
New Search function

The goal we are driving at is to make the game creation as easy as possible.

We newly added search function to admin interface. This is basically the ability to reuse questions you have entered into the system. Lets assume you have made your first game with really witty logic questions. You would like to use some of those questions in your new game as well.

Now you can just drag and drop questions from any game to your new creation. No need to export-import, no need to copy-paste the questions in. Just choose a container ( game) and drag-drop the questions. You can take questions from several games in such a way.

In your new game these questions will be separate entities, so you are able to modify them as you wish without affecting the donor game.

And some of our users instantly understood that it pays to create kind of fake games or containers, where you keep specific questions so that they can easily be found when needed in new games.

In case you are using Loquiz and would like to get a container with some 15 logic questions just let me ( know and I will mail it to you.

I will not add screenshots, as the design is being redone. But know you know about the search function.

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