The variety of smart devices is huge and you can already host a smart device “park” of your own. In large scale events it may happen that you still need to let attendees to play on their own phones. Whether you have your own tablet set you hand out or your attendees will use their own devices, both options have their downsides and benefits.
Following are some observations about pros and cons of using your event company own devices or attendees` own devices.
If you are looking to buy or rent a tablet for the games, check if there are some key factors to keep in mind. All devices are not created to be equal! See more about what kind of tablets to purchase for the event games and what features to consider.
Considering the internet connection and mobile data plan, the budget friendly and reliable options depend much on what is available in your region. As a base you can think through some guidelines about the data volumes based on an example.
When you build a Loquiz game, do you want to enable or disable anything, as the player wishes? With the...
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