When I write these words, it’s July, and people are starting to go on vacation. Corporates’ activity is at the lowest until the end of August. However, September will be different. Most probably, it will be a high-season for corporate events.
And I will provide you 5 ways to prepare yourself. Because event managers need to brace themselves.
And how the past coronavirus influenced this upcoming high-season?
The following answers are based on my interactions with my different partners, who are Loquiz users.
September month was always overwhelming in terms of corporate events. Since the lockdown is not extended to September in most of the worldwide countries, this logic is still true. But some restrictions still apply, and we need to take care not to forget them.
So let’s see in 5 points, how can you brace yourself for the next high-season in September.
With the coronavirus, we had basically no events in April-May. These two events are quite active in terms of corporate. But nothing could happen, due to the lockdown.
Today, the lockdown has ended up. However, countries restrict events that are more than a certain amount of participants. Forget the massive events with everyone coming from all over the world.
In this way, an outdoor game using virtual can help you organizing the participants into meaningful activities.
Depending on the game, you can easily report different groups in different locations.
You might have a lot of requests from your past clients, asking for games. Or if you contact corporates, you might be surprised by the need for events for September.
The holidays are now, or in august. So, some companies are impatient to organize everything now.
In this way, you might even need to be ready now, providing your plan and price offers today.
When you have an event, you need to run meaningful games. It’s up to you to prepare them now, or the day before the event, in September; as long as you can satisfy the client’s request.
Despite this urgency, do you postpone your tasks anyway? Don’t worry, after all, procrastination actually helps creativity.
Using all the time on vacation, you’ll end up being fresh and full of ideas before the actual date of the event.
Creating a game from scratch might be one of the toughest things one can do.
If the inspiration is lacking, our games market is here to help you. There are plenty of concepts. Take one for your own event.
If you want an outdoor game where people can compete with each other, you can try the 24 minutes of Loquiz.
If you want an indoor game, I would recommend you to try the Hackathon.
Previously, I’m mentioning that indoor games should be prepared: In case of bad weather, you need to have a plan B. This side plan is very often an indoor game.
And we all know that September is unpredictable in terms of weather, of temperature. Depending on the hemisphere, it can be a transition between summer and fall, or winter and spring.
Don’t let this instability bringing you anxiety, make some plan B, bring some indoor games.
Loquiz provides you a wide choice of indoor games, that I would invite you to check on our platform.
Overall, preparing events and game is a riddle itself. And we also live in the uncertainty of the future situation. Do we have to worry about a second wave?
The last advice would be: Admit that everyone worries. You might feel stress in your own environment. And you’re not alone at all. Even your clients are living this stress.
Make sure you have enough financial provision in case if this high-season for corporates doesn’t come as expected. Do not rely on this to save your company.
However, with Loquiz, we have a lot of games that are compatible with a lockdown situation. I would advise you to have a look at the Project-Arrow game, specifically designed for such a situation.
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