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Superpower questions- multiply

Superpower questions are a new type of questions in Loquiz. The first superpower is called multiply score.

When a player reaches a superpower location pin, the question opens and activates the superpower (for given time). Multiply score superpower will change the number of points the player gets from the next locations.
When you create a multiply score superpower question you can set two things-a multiplier and a timer.

The multiplier is a number that multiplies the points player will get from that moment on from the next locations. For example, when the superpower has taken effect with multiplier 2 and next location they go to, gives normally 10 points then it will give 20 points! If you are displaying on the map pins also question points, then these will also be changed (temporarily) automatically according to the superpower multiplier.

The timer can be set to determine how long the superpower will affect the player. If you leave this field empty, then the superpower will continue to affect the player until the end of the game or when another superpower takes over. (yes there will be other superpowers released in the future).

Timer countdown will be shown on the map so the player will know how much time they have left to grab the double, triple, or thousand sized locations.

It is probably wise to write as a question text an announcement that superpower has taken effect. “You have reached a superpower location. For next the 10 minutes all the locations you visit will  DOUBLE the number of points you get! Enjoy your superpower and have quick feet!”

Tip: Check Loquiz Public Library to copy this question to your account.

As we know from the movies all superpowers are not beneficial. They can seriously affect  “a normal” life.
With the multiply superpower it is obvious to use, easy to understand multipliers like 2, 3, 10, 1000 etc.
Less obvious is that you can use decimal places, too. For example, the multiplier 0.5 will cut off 1/2 of the points at next locations.The 0.1 multiplier will give only 10% of the question original value. So the question giving 10 points originally will give 1 point when such a superpower takes effect.

Also minus multiplier like -1 is possible.

Tip: This allows you to construct games where teams advancing too fast can be slowed down. This takes a huge radius and score activation in a scavenger game type bringing the pin on the map. So for an example, the team who has reached score 200 will get the superpower with the multiplier 0.5 for 15 minutes to slow their progress : )

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