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Physical Education Association winter days in Estonia

Estonian Physical Education Eeachers Association organized the annual winter days in Kurgjärve on the 14th of January. The three-day event involved many activities like nighttime kicksled trip, ice hockey, snow volleyball, biathlon, and learning about smart-orienteering with Loquiz gamification platform.

Physical activity rates among schoolchildren are low and different technology-based activity solutions help teachers to encourage moving more. As Estonian School sport Union and Spordipäev have proven, smartphone-based games can move thousands of children at once. This is the reason why Loquiz made a deeper introduction into how to build their own games.

Physical education teachers also tried out a game that involved orienteering on the landscape with a map on a smartphone and featured fun activity tasks. For example:

  • Draw your own team coat of arms out of suitable items and take a picture of it!
  • Make 30 abdominal muscle exercises in 15 seconds and capture on video!
  • Make a big wave with the team members and capture on the video!
  • Sing a song in the canon!
  • Try it out! Four people. Tallest, Tall, Short and Shortest. Tallest puts hand on Shortest knee. Short grabs Tallest left hand. Tall leans same legs knee against Shortest left knee what doesn’t have hand on it and grabs with opposite hand Shorts same hand. How many right hands are left free?

It took around 20 minutes for each team to cover 1 km and complete 12 tasks on the way.

Team tracks in a game built with Loquiz

The game was built and facilitated by game consultant Linda.

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