GamesUser stories

Success Story: Escape Game based on the Harry Potter Series

We’re proud to point out another great success story of Loquiz. 

Our partner from Eastern France, Insolit’Pro, has turned the incredible story we all know – the Harry Potter series – into game reality. More particularly – into escape game. Are you ready to take the Hogwarts Express to hear more about the game? 

The article’s original link that announces the game release is the following: . Our English-speaking readers can use the browser’s translator to read the game’s aim and setup in detail. 

To sum the concept and highlight the key elements, we’re adding a couple of lines here as well. 

“The participants have an application to download. They have an introduction with houses where you have to go and discover puzzles. Then, other points open on the map “, explains Emmanuelle Muckensturm, co-founder and associate director Insolit’Pro. In total, you have to find four codes corresponding to the four houses of the game.

Although the concept is based on an escape room setup, the goal is not to escape as quickly as possible from a closed place. The goal is to move forward, over the riddles and challenges, in the streets of the Strasbourg district of Petite France. Everything is done independently or with a group of friends. It requires a smartphone in hand and without the classic physical escape room elements. 

In addition to the game’s main riddles and levels, the participants will be able to meet wizards and have access to bonus missions. But that all happens only if they manage to answer the questions correctly.

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