
Navigation with the help of Google Maps and Apple Maps

Navigation to the location of the pins with Loquiz has just gotten a backup by Google Maps or Apple Maps. 

What does it mean? 

If you play a map-based outdoor game with pins, then tapping on a pin opens an option to select “Navigate to.” Clicking on “Navigate to” opens your device’s default map’s app with the calculated route. The player just needs to start with navigating and when arrived, switch back to the Loquiz app. 

A picture is worth a thousand words, so here’s a visualization of how to benefit from Google and Apple Maps in-game.

How to set the “Allow navigation” on the Loquiz platform:

Allow navigation is applicable in Map’s section under Game’s Configurations.

And this is how the player is experiencing it:

The “Navigate to” button will appear to the screen while tapping on the pin.

Also, check out what other Navigation apps we have released in 2020:

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