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Mastering Creator Pro – the first impressions of our webinar series

A couple of weeks ago, our community had a great chance to meet at the webinar series. It is called the Advanced Game Design with Creator Pro

Why did we initiate this? The purpose is that Creator Pro is building an increasingly vital role among our game templates in Loquiz. It provides different options for setting up rules for tasks and scenario activations. Find out more on Creator Pro here:

That in mind, the webinar get-together allowed us to jointly explore the complete game-building process. From storyline design to setting the game up in Creator Pro. In total there are around 20 companies taking part in the webinars.

Today, we are at the phase of adding generated content to Loquiz. It would be forming the base for how the tasks will activate and what happens if the players will answer correctly or incorrectly. And therewith what happened when they choose different paths. 

A capture from the webinar with more than 20 companies.

Looking back for the beginning part of the Creator Pro webinars when we fully focused on storytelling and storyline design, we have great memories by our participants to share: 

Martin from Mystery Games (Austria):

I find this webinar very interesting. You get to know other people who also work with Loquiz and, above all, partly through their questions, one or the other specialty of Loquiz that you haven’t thought of yourself.

Team spirit arises through group formation. You want to produce something good together. The advantage of the small group is that you can learn from each other. Everyone is a professional in some way and all in all, the good ideas come into this pool.

Fred from DOL Events (the Netherlands):

I really enjoy the webinars. It is great fun to work in our team and discover Creator Pro. It works very well to cooperate with a few people around the world in developing new games. So thank you for this opportunity!

Keep on Rock-, Lo Quiz- and Playing!

Dominique from Coeur à l’ouvrage inc. (Canada):

Being a newcomer in the Loquiz family, I was more than honored to be able to join the very first Creator Pro webinar series. For a period of 5 weeks, we would have the opportunity to learn more about the platform and even create a game at the end of the journey. That already sounds incredible, doesn’t it? But it gets even better! Already from the very first webinar, all 24 participants, coming from all over the world, were given a full lecture on… STORYTELLING! Yep… Why only concentrate on creating a simple game when you have the tools to create an adventure for your clients. So, with the Hero’s Journey theory in mind, we were then split in 4 teams… Each team had the demanding task to come upon a storyline, that would then be modeled into a game. Well… let me tell you that it was at THAT moment that I realized what a fascinating adventure I just had gotten myself into! Imagine: creating a story and a game with people coming from Holland, Germany, Turkey, Colombia and Quebec!

So we started off with a little brainstorming session through a Zoom meeting, which ended with the first milestone of our game to come that would be called: Mission to Mars! Now that we had a theme… we had to find a way to cowrite this whole story, through our different experiences, crazy ideas… and availability!

We have now completed 2 webinars, and so far, our story starts to take shape. Even though it can be at times difficult to cocreate with people you don’t really know, and trying to manage schedules is also a challenge, since we live in different timezones, but something beautiful got created besides our game: a sense of community! We are now all engaged in a team challenge, and through our ideas written on a collaborative Google document and our follow-ups on Whatsapp, we have started to get to know each other better. We have developed friendship and affinities… and for me, that alone is worth a lot!

So the adventure continues! Although it is sometimes demanding to take personal and professional time to work on this project, I have the feeling that it is giving me so much more than the hours that I put into it. Having the opportunity to meet these other Loquiz partners from all around the world and the fantastic Loquiz team, I feel like I have joined a wonderful international family, who has a common goal: to create the best possible interactive games. 

Can’t wait to see what the next weeks will bring us!

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