BlogGame ideas

Put the words into presenters’ mouth

Here is an idea that will help you to engage the audience before the event and it has the power to potentially gamify every single presentation.

It is not easy to get pre-event input from attenders, but there is a way to gamify it. Some of the event companies are doing just that with Loquiz. It does work best with company specific events.

The mechanics is simple. Create a clue game and distribute it to all visitors before the event. Whoever gets the best result receives a prize on a main stage. Now the content of that game could include

And you can top it off with asking for a word that a specific presenter must meaningfully use in her presentation (this needs of course to be agreed beforehand ). This word could be anything, but only the words that are “requested” most are relayed to the presenter before the event, so they can include them into the presentation. So you might cooperate with fellows to make sure that your absolute nonsense phrase is in this bunch.

As an added bonus you could print out the “bullshit bingo” sheet to all the participants, but instead of the BS-phrases you can fill the table  with the words participants are waiting for.

And so each presentation is gamified even before it starts!



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