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Mistake to avoid while marketing the games you created

I have noticed one common misconception when event professionals start to market their games. They market them as “a new and exciting smart device game”. In our case sometimes also as  “Loquiz game”.

There is no such a thing as “Loquiz game” or “smart device game”. Loquiz and smart devices are tools like watercolors and brushes. A painter wouldn’t call his newest piece a “Brushpainting” :).

You have to find the specific game’s USP and think out an exciting game name.  I am talking about product names like “In trails of ghosts in Berlin”, “Trust me, I am an expert- team race”, “Escape the city “. And unique selling propositions like:
“You will become friends with the 10 most delicious beers in Reykjavik during the game”, or “You will meet  5 scary characters from the history of England during the city game”, or ” You will gather funny photos from New York landmarks with your team”, “You will learn how to trust your team members”.

In the best game descriptions, actually there is not a hint, that  game happens on smart devices- the puzzles and the concept for the team building goals are just so strong!

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