An image is thousand words, a moving image is even more than you can imagine. The possibility to create video questions/answers is now available in beta, on selected Loquiz pro accounts.
A video question means that players have to answer by shooting a video clip. This opens up creativity to staged scenes, team tasks and impossible yoga poses! While shooting, the length of the video is limited to 15 seconds.
Videos are uploaded only over a wifi connection. This means the wifi has to be turned on on smart devices as well you should have a wifi spot at the game area.
If the wifi is present, then a clip is uploaded instantly after answering to results photos and videos like this example. If the wifi is not present, then the clip is uploaded the next time the wifi is present, when a playing team is answering to a question. When you plan to have the wifi spot only at the end of the game, and all teams arrive, then the uploads will take some good amount of time! So, plan ahead the amount of video questions and the wifi availability. Of course, videos are saved in the device as well, so if the wifi is not available, clips can be retrieved directly from the devices.
Videos are shown together with photos on the photo wall in results pages. And you can sort, add bonus points and download them, too!
Today, we’ve just released a new feature: the improved test mode! Generate a test version of your game and share...
Are you looking for visual riddles to spice up your next fun event? You’ve come to the right place! Visual...
We’ve just added a new feature in the results page: From now on, you can download pictures and videos separately....
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