It’s a picture, it’s a video, it’s a GIF. Using a moving image as a question can add some interactivity or plain fun to team building games you create. Below are some ideas with question examples to harness the GIF for gamification.
The Graphics Interchange Format, GIF, is a bitmap image format that supports simple animations and was developed by US-based software writer Steve Wilhite in 1987.
There are many meme websites that have huge collections of ready-made GIFs as well tools to compose your own. Giphy, makeagif– to name just two of them. Just upload or add link under questions’s media tab and you are good to go.
This allows to pose some optical illusions. Like- which way is the dancer spinning? This has two correct answers : )
Pop-culture, art and music inspired- What is the name of this dude’s best robot friend?
And learning: Which muscle pulls foot downwards?
The treasure hunt template is simple, but it allows you to edit the rules as much as you wish. And...
Do you need an outdoor game for the upcoming wave of events in September? A treasure hunt is a wise...
You’re hosting an outdoor Loquiz game and suddenly it’s raining. 🌧️ You wish you could pause and resume an hour...
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