User stories

Case study Intego – management meeting in Denmark

management meeting

We got some thorough feedback from Denmark where Christiansen Consulting created a game for Intego.

“With new technology our management meeting is more empowering and with increased focus on the important material. At the same time the meeting room has been moved outside in the beautiful nature.

Continuos improvement is also about daring to break up with traditions. To do something differently. This, we truly did when we chose to facilitate our frequent management meeting with help from new technology, enabling us to combine learning, decisions, teambuilding, strategy development – and outside activities.”

Jens Frost Mikkelsen - IntegoJens Frost Mikkelsen
Adm. direktør – CEO Intego A/S

We can proudly say that our company has success – in particular due to our service-culture and competent employees. But that is not something we can take for granted.

In order to safeguard our leading position as a service organisation, it is essential to continue the investment into the development of our human capital.

The learning organisation is not a project – it is a never ending journey, where it is critical that all our team members and co-operation partners are active players. Jens Christiansen’s  methodologies and Loquiz have opened our eyes to  completely new opportunities and ways for safeguarding  excitement and passion in this journey  – in the daily routines. This is at the same time also the key for sustainable improvement of our effeciency –  the fuel  for our competitive power.

The co-operation with Christiansen Consulting started in connection with our quarterly management meeting which we wanted to do in a bit different manner. Instead of spending the entire day in the conference room with the traditional presentations and discussions – we were spending most of the day out in the forest and hills – in the beautiful nature of  Rold Skov and Rebild Bakker.intego1

A complete intensive cycle in only one day:

It is quite impressive what we accomplished during the 8 hours:

  • Status report on 2 important projects
  • Reflection / Examination / evidence for the participants knowledge level concerning around 100 questions in relation to the projects and issues critical for the business.
  • Intensive focused learning/discussion concerning the questions with biggest failure rates or diversity in answers.
  • Generation of ideas related to improvement areas – all recorded directly on the iPads.
  • Personal commitment from all 30 participants concerning improvement of own behavior.
  • Building the team with funny team competitions.
  • The participants were walking/running 15 km in average – in addition to the physical demanding exercises included in some of the over 100 virtual posts.
  • Documentation of the entire day – including the pictures, quiz results, the valuable ideas and the personal commitments are all recorded in the Loquiz portal for easy follow up and sustaining of the process.

The preparations for the day were done in close co-operation with the facilitator of the event, Jens Christiansen.

Different types of questions relevant to the agenda of the day were prepared. The themes of the questions, from soft values to facts, were spiced with humor. In the preparation of the questions there was special attention to improving the daily life concerning empowerment teamwork and productivity.

We were divided into teams and equipped with tablets/iPads with navigation and mobile internet – and the app Loquiz installed.

We had arranged for a conference room which was primary used as a base camp for short presentations prior to the different activities in the forest and for scoreboard review and  reflection in the big team after the games.

Some statements from the participants:

  • An experience we will never forget – and that we for sure will repeat many times in the future
  • Value-added entertainment beyond expectations
  • We really remember the questions that we got out in the hills much better. It simply works.
  • We were guided through a lot of valueable reflection out in the hills.
  • I don’t think I have ever learned so much is such a short time – and having fun at the same time.
  • The process and the technology help us to be more focused and ask the right questions

 management meeting


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