Gear Guide provides in-depth outdoor gear reviews. They surprised us sincerely by testing Loquiz to create an outdoor game. See what they think of using Loquiz from Gear Guide review.
We hope to see in the future other outdoor apps being reviewed and introduced. There are some good outdoor game apps what have core purpose to get people to go outdoors, interact with each other and surroundings. Tech is not the cause but rather a tool to make interaction with real world more fun through gamification.
You can read more about the idea of using technology to connect to nature and outdoors.
Today, we’ve just released a new feature: the improved test mode! Generate a test version of your game and share...
Are you looking for visual riddles to spice up your next fun event? You’ve come to the right place! Visual...
We’ve just added a new feature in the results page: From now on, you can download pictures and videos separately....
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