With scavenger game type you can build flexible game rules.

We strongly recommend using the Loquiz visual game programming interface instead of Scavenger tool. It will give you more control and flexibility over game rules.

How does scavenger work?

Players see some of the locations at the start of the game (according to the game creator plans from one to all locations). Scavenger game type can be set up so that in the beginning of the game each team sees only one location or every team sees different location. Tasks pop up when player is at the correct location. Other tasks which have activation rules, will appear on the map according to the timer (minutes from the game start) or after answering certain tasks.

How to create a game?

  1. Add tasks.
  2. Set locations to the tasks that are not location-specific.
  3.  Add start field(s) and mark finish.
  4. Set tasks’ activation rules, make start fields rotate
  5. Configure game settings (game name, welcome text, finish text, time limit, language, overwrite task timers if needed, decide how incorrect answers behave, limit hints and change pin settings).

Create a game and you are done!

Activation rules

In Scavenger you can use normal tasks which appear on the maps as usual, but in addition to that you can also make tasks appear on the map with the help of the activation rules. Activation rules can be set while creating/editing the game, under “Activation” tab.

There are three types of activation rules:

  1. Time – tasks that are activated by the timer, appear on the map when timer runs out. Timer starts counting when the game starts. See the screenshot below, task nr 5 opens with the 5 min. timer. NB! Timer with value of 0 minutes is ignored and act as if the activation is not set!
  2. Other tasks  – you can make tasks activate the others. When players open up the task by going to the correct location, this will make other task(s) appear on the map. You can use one task to activate number of other tasks.  See the screenshot, task nr 3 will be activated when task nr 2 is answered.
  3. Score  – you can make tasks appear on the map when teams have reached or exceeded certain score. NB! Score activation with 0- values are ignored and act as if the activation is not set! 

If the activation rules are set, then tasks become visible on the map for the players, according to these rules. Each task can be opened only once. There can be several activation rules set for one task – in this case the earliest action makes the location visible on the map.


 Tasks without activation rules

If a task does not have any activation rule set, it is visible from the beginning of the game (or will appear right after start fields are taken). On the screenshot task nr 2 and nr 4 are without activation rule. Note that task nr 2 activates nr 3, but 2 is not activated by any other points and therefore does not have activation rule!

Start fields (optional)

In Scavenger there is a possibility to set the start field(s) to show specific point (one or more) in the beginning of the game. You can choose unlimited amount of start fields.

Start field is set while creating/editing the game, just go to „Activation“ tab. There is „S“ behind each task, clicking „S“ marks this task as a start location (it does not have to be the first one on the list).

In Scavenger there are three ways how you can make game start:

a) No start field (S) is defined – all locations without activation rules are visible on the map from the start of the game and can be opened by going there. So players can freely choose which task they want to open first (like in Rogain).

b) Starting points are set – all locations without activation rules will become visible after all points marked as starting points have been answered.

c) Rotating start fields for teams – use in case you want teams to have separate starting fields. To use this functionality, you first need to mark starting points (minimum 2) on “Location” screen, then you have to activate “Rotate start fields” option on “Activations” page. Each team will get separate start field and all locations without activation rules will become visible after this start point is answered.

Finish location

Finish location acts like any other pin in the sense that it can have the task attached to it. Marking finish is compulsory and only one finish point can be set.  Finish can be set while creating/editing the game on “Activation” screen.

Finish becomes visible on the map:

a) When all the tasks team can reach are answered.

b) According to the activation rules (you can make finish activate by a timer or by other task).

If no activation rules is set for the finish point, it will not be visible until all the tasks this team could reach are answered.

NB! In case finish point is set to become visible by a rule in the middle of the game and players activate the finish task, this will end the game!

NB! No task can be answered once game time is over, to guide people use after game meeting point feature.

Brief example of the Scavenger game logic

So on the screenshot, task nr 1 is set to be the start field. In the beginning of the game, only task nr 1 is visible to the players. When start field is answered, tasks without activation rules (2 and 4) appear on the map. After task nr 2 is answered, task nr 3 activates and appears on the map. Task nr 6 appears after 5 minutes have been played. As finish point does not have activation rule set, it will appear on the map when all the other tasks are answered.

Briefing players

Go to the right locations and tasks will open. During the game some tasks will appear on the map. Go to any one of them. Once finish appears, you can go to finish to end the game or you can choose to avoid the finish and continue the game. Team who has the most points wins!

What makes Scavenger special:

  • You can make tasks appear on the map by using the activation rules;
  • Tasks’ score is shown above the pins (by default);
  • If players go to finish during the game, game will end;
  • Possible to set start fields and even make them rotate among teams;
  • Players can create their own strategy and choose the route where they want to go.

Important to remember!

  • Do not make finish visible too early, otherwise, the game is over when players go there. And also remember that you do not have to define starting points.
  • If location does not have any activation rules it will be visible from the beginning (or will appear right after starting points are taken).

Check this tutorial out to see how you can make teams move in circle.

this tutorial about how to separate teams at the start of the game

and how to make teams follow different routes.