
Google maps vs Apple maps vs Mapbox for outdoor games

Depending on where you conduct your outdoor adventure games Google or Apple maps have a different amount of detail. But how do they compare against each other and Mapbox?

You can find some cool comparisons about Google vs Apple maps online. But how does this apply in the games you create with Loquiz? And even more importantly, what is the difference with Mapbox?

The short answer is: try out different maps in your own locations and compare. You can choose to set which maps are shown to the players when building a game, in the “Configuration” step in Map settings. There you have a total of seven options to choose from. You could even give them all for players to switch in between but 1-2 is probably the most reasonable.

The options are Google/Apple native maps, Google satellite, Google custom map, Open street map (OSM), Mapbox and Mapbox outdoor on Android phone.

Mapbox outdoor advantage in many locations is that is has trails marked and it also has contour lines indicating the elevation of the landscape.

In the following example, I picked a habited small island in Finland. Then checked it out on Android phone and iOS tablet.
It appeared some of the roads which were not marked in Google and Apple maps but were shown in Mapbox.

Google maps, Google satellite, Google custom map, Open street map OSM, Mapbox and Mapbox outdoor on Android phone
Apple maps, Apple satellite, Google custom map, Open street map OSM, Mapbox and Mapbox outdoor on iPad.

Note that third is Google custom map which can be used on both- Android and iOS devices. Also, it allows any color combinations, here just deep blue and pink were picked.

Again, try it out in your own location and feel free to comment on your outcome below.

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