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Scale Your Uniqueness

Often outdoor companies are built on unique activity. I am not talking about the service-process-vision-mission thing, but specific activity. For example, I’ve started a company based on sea-kayaking. A friend of mine based his company on climbing.

Something the founder really loves themself. This unique thing is often the very essence of why the company was founded in the first place – to provide the same experience to others. Other activities are later added for different reasons. Usually, there is a need to fight seasonality, they might be just easy to carry out, they might be needed to make compelling offers for clients, etc.

Often the initial service does not scale well. It is tough to take hundreds of people kayaking at the same time. The result is that the bigger the company grows the less original idea gets included in offers. The company changes and this is probably a good thing.

You might ask what if there is a way to somehow scale the original idea to get it to more people. What we see many users of Loquiz do is that they combine a game (staged experience) with the original uniqueness (original raw experience). So that you can service big groups by dividing them to small teams and keep them busy with purpose-built game. And the focus activity is the one that started the whole thing in the first place.

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