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Fågelviks School Scavenger Hunts- Case study

We tested Loquiz at Fågelviks School  on two occasions in August 2016. First with teachers and then again with high school students.

The teachers` group consisted of about 50 secondary and adult education teachers, assistants and the administrative staff. The students` group consisted of about 200 students from National Upper Secondary, Upper Secondary and the Introduction Program.14324383_1780080872277629_7185569077159295574_o


When you want to create a Loquiz event, first determine if you want to produce your own questions or you want to make use of those already existing in Loquiz Public Library. We decided to use ready-made  general trivia questions for the teachers and then tailored own questions for the students.

The quickest option is to use the existing tasks, that`s  why it became the choice for teachers` game. The main purpose of the teachers’ event was to do something fun. But  we decided to make the students` game a little trickier and we let each teacher suggest 1-3 questions about their subject. The questions were agreed to have a reasonable difficulty level, so that all students should have the same chance of winning.


One option that we strongly recommend is using the “photo tasks”. For example, “show your best yoga pose”, “form a bench of two people” or “one of you is a dictator”. Incredibly fun to watch together when the event is finished! Notify before the game that the pictures will be shown to all participants, so everyone will take photos keeping in mind to show their best side.

Once you’ve added the questions it is time to create a game. This involves choosing the questions you want to be in your game. You can use a mixture of your own questions and ready made tasks from the library. The number of questions you should have in a game depends on how long participants will be out. We chose to let the participants get maximum one hour to respond to as many questions as possible, and had about  50 questions. This is also dependent on the size of the area to put out the questions , the longer the distance between the questions, the fewer are needed.

However, we noticed that there should not be too long distance between the questions. About 80-100 meters is just right, so that all the time players get a “kick” of being able to have the opportunity to score points. You can add questions with higher scores further from the game area, so moving more rewards with higher score. As a twist we had in the game “toll zones” with different radius. These had to be avoided, when players went there they got minus points. Putting the minus locations into strategic locations which are hard to pass round makes the game strategically more challenging .

When you are ready with the questions and game, it is time to create an event. This determines how many teams can take part, how the event opens. When this last part is done, it is time to play.



You can distribute the tablets or phones with the  Loquiz app preset, or ask the participants to download the app on their phones or tablets. Each team needs to have a drive. In our case teachers used preset tablets and students downloaded apps to their own smartphones. Both options worked equally well. As a game leader you can keep track of teams throughout the game.You can see how they move, track answers to the questions, how long time they have left and see the fun photos taken.



After the event, players gather together to discuss results of all teams and look photos. There will be lot of laughs, that is a promise! We awarded prizes for the highest score, best picture and longest distance. This means that everyone can have the opportunity to win and it engages participants. The results link is convenient to send out to the participants or post to a website. Photos can be shared on social media-a  funny and popular element after the game. 


Things to consider

If participants speak different languages then it is good to have the  questions in two languages- Swedish/English. Some students sneaked into their cars and drove around- it might be useful to agree in the  rules that driving is not allowed, to give everyone the same chance.


Loquiz is an incredibly fun activity you can do with both children and adults! It is highly recommended to schools and companies that want a different activity which makes you laugh and involves everyone.


charlotte-jernbom_tibro-kommunCharlotte Jernbom

Communicator, Fågelviks School and Tibro municipality



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