BlogQuestion ideas

Alias type of video questions

Adding videos to your questions in Loquiz is really easy. Just add YouTube link to the question and you are done. The videos can be about anything. We have seen colleagues asking questions from fellow colleagues, management team (that is usually not there, are they?) asking questions and telling stories. We have seen random videos that put your memory and observance skills to test.

One pretty cool possibility is to let somebody act out the questions Alias type.  So we have gone out and developed some. Here is one example.

The question is:   What is the actor doing?

And the possible answers are:

  1. mopping floor
  2. building a box
  3. building a ladder
  4. just fuzzing around

We guess this one is pretty simple. Did you get it?

You might say that several options might be correct. Well, no. The actor was given one specific thing he had to show. That stands for the correct answer, however close or similar other options might be.

There are more videos in Loquiz Youtube channel like that.  Feel free to use it in your own games if you want  🙂

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