Match is exciting new game type that allows you to create multiplayer games. It works similar to Rogain game type, but location disappears from the map for all the teams if any team answers it. As it is an online multiplayer game, good data connection is needed throughout the game.
How does Match work?
In the beginning of the Match game, players see all the locations on the map and their difficulty (points). The goal of the game is to gather as many points as possible during the time limit. Players can follow different strategies – go for several low score locations or try to get high score locations first. When time runs out all the locations disappear from the map and users are directed to finish.
While creating/editing the Match game, you have two options how the tasks behave after answering. By default every task in Match can be answered only once (it does not matter if the answer is correct or wrong – task will disappear from the map after any of the teams answer it). But you can also choose another option, where every task can be answered until one team answers correctly. It means that tasks disappear from the map for other teams only when one team has answered correctly. In this case when team answered incorrectly – pin disappears from the map only for them, but the other teams can still see and answer it. Change these settings on “Configure” page.
How to create a game?
- Add tasks
- Set locations to the tasks that are not already location specific
- Set finish point
- Configure game settings – choose either you want tasks to disappear from the map when they are answered (correctly or incorrectly, default setting) or only when tasks are answered correctly. To change default settings, go to game’s “Configure” page and under “Task setting” you will find “Every task can be answered until one team answers correctly” option. Mark it, if you want pins to stay on the map until they are answered correctly. Pin will disappear for the team(s) who answered incorrectly, but stay visible for the other teams who haven’t answered this task.
Create an event and start playing!
Game start
All locations (also finish location) are visible on the map. Tasks open when players go to the right location. Each task can only be answered by one team.
Game end
Match type of game end if:
a) Teams have visited all the locations and answered all the tasks (there are no visible location on the map). Finish message is displayed when all the tasks are answered by anyone.
b) Time runs out. All the pins disappear from the map. Finish message is displayed and the timer stopped.
Finish pin acts like any other pin in the sense that it can have the task attached to it. When the team arrives to finish before finishing conditions are met (time not over and not all tasks answered) they will be able to answer finish task. If time runs out finish task can not be answered.
NB! Good data connection is needed throughout the game. If the data connection is lost, this game works like Rogain, answered locations disappear from the map when connection is restored.
When in task keep until answered correctly condition (additional setting) is set, then for new teams who start the game afterwards, they can answer those tasks and answer them (deactivate condition won´t apply)
What makes Match special:
- No start field, players choose themselves where they want to start;
- Players create their own strategy and make up their own route;
- Tasks’ scores are displayed above the pins;
- Tasks disappear from the map when they are answered for all teams, so each task in the game can be answered only once;
How does Match work in test mode?
In test mode logic is the same, the team has to register first and tasks disappear from the game who ever answers to them first or correctly, when a Match game has been already played in test mode then already taken tasks are not shown to other starting teams.