Lists show a list of tasks that players can easily open at any time. It allows the player to get access to tasks with simple user interface.

The list is available with the Creator.

How to make the list appear

You can trigger the list with the Creator Logic thanks to the «Show in list» block.

The list interface

The list will show each task attached with the block «Show in list». The following screenshot shows how it appears from the player’s perspective:

By tapping on one of these entries, the player can open a task.

The list appearance depends on the following: 

The left text:

By default, it shows the entire task text. However, if the task intro is filled, it will show the task intro. You can edit it in Task Settings > Comments > Intro.

The color strap:

The color will depend on the task area. You can edit it in Task Settings > Additional Settings > Area color

The icon on the right:

The icon depends on the task icon chosen in «Task additional settings». You can edit it in Task Settings > Additional Settings > Custom icon