Augmented Photo

Photo must be in .PNG format and have transparent areas in order to work. Aspect Ratio is important and you should use 3:4 (portrait) or 4:3 (landscape) ratio for best results. Aspect Ratio Calculator can help you see the aspect ratio when resizing an image. Tips: It is recommended to make the AR layer easy to […]

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Field Variables

Field variables are dynamic fields. When you define field variable in your task text it will be replaced with the corresponding text. You can utilize field variables within a text or as part of the link. At the moment Loquiz supports following variables: When new variables are introduced they will be published here. Examples:

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Code Box

With this option you can have separate boxes for each number/letter (up to 8) instead of one single text box. For text answer, you can have only one correct answer and not multiple. Here is a screenshot of a text answer without the Code Box activated and with the Code box: For answers that are […]

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Task types and points

In Loquiz there are 11 different task types, you can also use survey task option with some of the task types (all answers considered correct). In this article, you will find information about task scores also.

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Task answer type

In Loquiz there are 11 different task types, you can also use survey task option with some of the task types (all answers considered correct). In this article, you will find information about task scores also. Task types Multiple choices Multiple answers Text Number Photo No answer Video Activity station Superpower Augmented photo Object finder […]

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Additional settings

Under additional settings you can modify task’s time limit, language, pin icons and pin radius. Go to “Additional settings” tab while creating or editing the task to access these settings.

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Task Background Audio

Loquiz allows task creator to choose what sound is played when task opens. To access background audio settings open task for editing, go to Media tab and choose Background Audio settings. Background audio plays when a task is opened. It does not matter what type of task it is or by what means it is […]

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Media for tasks

Main stuff you can do with media added to the task. Image Each task can include an image, video clip and link to a web page. Go to the “Media” tab in the task’s edit screen to add media. Media is shown when a task is opened inside the app. Photo Images are downloaded to […]

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After answer comments

After answer comments are often used for giving extra insight into the task, adding some cool knowledge to players.  Reply if the answer is correct/incorrect, is shown automatically by default, so you do not have to specify correct answer in after answer comments. Also, in after answer comment it shows how many points you got. […]

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Hint is a piece of advice that provides players an extra guidance to answer the task. If hint is present then icon is shown when task is open, if hint is not present then icon is not shown. Usage of hints is counted in a game (usage is visible in online results page) and you […]

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