The superpower is a task type that when activated, will change the game in a certain way for a given time. They act as a superpower in computer game and can be activated by players just by visiting the location where superpower activation is set. After that superpower affects the whole game.

At the moment there are Two superpower types – MULTIPLY and BOMB. Multiply superpower will multiply all the scores within a game for a given time. So if a team is quick they can get much bigger scores by answering tasks when the multiplier is on. The bomb will deactivate the team for 2 minutes when a bomb has been placed.

Creating superpower

To create a superpower go to:

New Task->Answer Type->Superpower


  1. Multiply Score
  2. Bomb


This is the value all point values will be multiplied by. The multiplier must be set, it cannot be zero, but it can be any negative value or positive apart of zero. If it is negative, then it turns all following answers from positive to negative and negative to positive. If the multiplier is smaller than 1, then all the scores will be diminished, if bigger than one then grown.


To use a bomb, create a game with superpower BOMB. There are no special settings with a bomb superpower. When a bomb is armed the default bomb pin is used, for the task, however, the pin can be chosen by the game creator.

When a player picks up a bomb, he can place and arm it anywhere on the map. If somebody enters the activated bomb, then the device will be rendered useless for 2 minutes.

Bomb works also on the player who set it up, so when closing roads with the bomb it will affect their passage as well.

Note that bombs placed during play will also stay on the map for players as a trap.


This is the time for how long the Superpower will be active, if empty then the superpower is active till the end of the game or till next superpower is activated.

Also, make sure to fill in Task text – this will be the intro text players see when superpower activates.

Superpower in a map game

The game creator will assign a location to a superpower as with any other content piece.

For players within map games, the superpower is just another location. When they go to that location, then the task pops up with your custom message. When players push OK, then the content item is closed, a timer and superpower icon is brought to a map and in case of a Multiply all the scores (if visible) are multiplied with the multiplier. Any task the team activates within the given time will have a multiplied score.

Superpowers in a quiz and clue game

For Clue and quiz game types the multiplier will act as a regular task, but will change the behaviour of the following tasks for a given time.

The Bomb should not be used in Quiz and Clue game

Some rules

  • If superpower timer is missing, then the superpower is active till the end of the game or when another superpower is activated.
  • There can only be one superpower active at any one time – superpower activated later will override the previous one.
  • Superpower location can give points itself as well. These are not affected by a superpower. Superpower is activated after the player clicks OK.
  • When Superpower is activated Superpower logo and timer are displayed on a map.
  • On activity station multiplier superpower changes the scale where the instructor can give the points, it does not multiply scores given by the instructor.