Show correct answer after user answered incorrectly – displays the correct answer when the answer was incorrect.

Additionally you can show to customers:

  • Show if the answer was correct or incorrect – this is default setting. Shows if the answer was correct or incorrect after the task is answered.
  • Don’t show correct answer after user answered incorrectly – Here you can override this option on all Tasks and it won’t show the correct answer when answered incorrectly.
  • Use task-specific settings to show correct answer after user answers incorrectly – This will act according to the specific Task settings (additional settings) whether to show the correct answer after an incorrect answer.
  • Don’t show after answer comments – Here you can override this option on all Tasks and it won’t show any after answer comment.
  • Show after answer comment if available – shows after answer comment depending if the answer was correct or incorrect. Shown only when the comment is written while creating/editing the task (under the “Comment and clues” tab).

Additional information:

You can keep task until answered correctly. Read more about that.