Playgrounds allow the game creators to create multiple screens with photo background and dynamically show icons on the background. In a device, each playground can be accessed by clicking on the button on game screen. Playground can be zoomed together with pins. Clicking a pin will open a task. In the game you can have […]
Category: 4. Creating Games
NB! We officially support up to 100 tasks in a game if using map but you are probably fine with up to 200 as well. If you add more than 100, please test that all devices used can handle the game size.
Hide score after having played for
Hide score after having played for – make the score visible at the beginning of the game and make it disappear at a particular time of the game. Additional information: by enabling Hide score it is possible to hide team’s score for all players (including the team itself) throughout the game or make it appear/disappear at some […]
Show score after having played for
Show score after having played for – Make the score visible at the beginning of the game and make it disappear at a particular time of the game. Additional information: It is possible to hide team’s score for all players (including the team itself) throughout the game or make it appear/disappear at some point. Hide score […]
Allow filtering tasks on the map, List and Playground(s) by tags
The app includes a button in the app menu (Tasks filter), on the Map, on the List and on Playground(s). This allows the players to select and show the tasks by categories (tags). Also, Map/List and Playground(s) get a dedicated shortcut button at the bottom of the screen for easier navigation.
Allow navigation
Activating this feature will make it possible for the player to click on a pin, then choose “Navigate to” to show a route to selected waypoint. The routing and navigation happens outside of Loquiz app within the device default navigation app. Please note that no tasks are activated when the player is on another app. […]
Hide My location
Hides button to center to your location. Location activations still work, but centering to your location is hidden. Hiding location avoids the situation when in an indoor game, the players’ are going to center themselves on the map with my location button. Yet, the game on the map is not placed on their location. With […]
Allow open tasks on map
This will allow player to open a task by clicking on a map without going there.
Display task intro under pin
Pins are visible in mobile device on the map. It is possible to adjust, what information is shown. You can make a task’s short intro appear on the map below the pin. For this you need to choose “Display task intro under pin” option. Then task’s short intro is shown below the pin. Short intro can be […]
Display nothing on pin
Pins are visible in mobile device on the map. It is possible to adjust, what information is shown above the pin: Display nothing on pin – nothing is shown above the pin, only pins appear for the player on the map. Display task score on pin – task score is shown above location pins, so players will see […]
Display task score on pin
Pins are visible in mobile device on the map. It is possible to adjust, what information is shown above the pin: Display task score on pin – task score is shown above location pins, so players will see how many points they will get when answering tasks correctly (default in Rogain, Scavenger and Match). Display task order […]